Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mini-Facelift/Facial Massage/Radiant, Rested and Rejuvenated Skin!

I believe a properly performed facial massage with manual lymph drainage (our lymphatic system is responsible for draining away the debis from our cells), should be a part of every skin care treatment.  It improves the effects of a regular facial.  It improves circulation which brings nutrition to the skin cells and speeds up the filtering of water in and out of our cells, therefore deleting waste products that are stored.  The relaxation of the surface capillaries during massage improves skin color, which makes us look radiant.  Facial massage improves elasticity and suppleness of the skin.  It becomes more balanced and less prone to breakouts and more resistant to infection. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Benefits of Facial Massage

Massage is a critical component of any facial.  The importance of this is often overlooked by skin care professionals who focus instead on product application and sales of products.  My early training focused on the importance of massaging the skin and the instant results of this on your face.  My facials are usually longer than the hour needed for a treatment because I spend alot of time massaging the skin.  A well-performed massage, as part of a facial, will affect the entire result of the service.  It will make extractions easier, which is a huge help, relieve puffiness, and improve skin tone and complexion.  Other physical benefits of a facial massage include stimulation, firming of weak muscles, tissue regeneration and anti aging effects.   There are many mental health benefits including stress relief and awareness of the body/mind connection.  It is not uncommon for my clients to drift into oblivion while having a facial.